More than 6 million Americans are faced with an Alzheimer's diagnosis, and the impact of that diagnosis can be felt by loved ones and caregivers alike. Anthology Senior Living is proud to partner with the Alzheimer's Association through educational and support events at our communities. This allows us to bring new and current families through our doors, providing them extra support to aid them in understanding and caring for their loved one.
Each year, over a dozen Anthology communities participate in The Walk by fundraising as well as sponsorships. This year marks the first year we have an Anthology Senior Living national team dedicated to The Walk To End Alzheimer's fundraiser with a total team goal of $100,000! Having this national team brings all our Anthology communities into one uniform space, working as a true team to help raise funds for Alzheimer's research, prevention, and hopefully, one day, a cure.
Anthology of Troy 2021
Anthology of Grayslake 2021 |
Anthology of Wheaton 2021 |
Anthology of Farmington 2021
Anthology of Mayfield Heights 2021
This walk is for everyone. No matter the connection, the goal is the same; to find new ways to treat, prevent and ultimately, find a cure! At Anthology, we walk in solidarity and honor those whose stories have intertwined with our own, whose stories have clouded or shortened over time due to Alzheimer's Disease but have enriched us, nonetheless. Many of us today are touched by a loved one, friend, or even an acquaintance who this disease has struck. We encourage you to help support this cause by joining us on the Walk To End Alzheimer's today.
We look forward to working together this year as a team, raising funds to meet and exceed our goal. Register to join us or bookmark our page and keep track of our team results and see how each community contributes to the whole team goal!